According to the U.S. government plan to stabilize the banking system and finance them, one with the increase of capital in the banks of the United States. Citigrup parties, as in tell Bloomberg, mendapatan assistance tersebut.Akibat back through the U.S. government increased the share in the ownership of stock in Citi to reach 74 percent, shares Citigrup anjlok 39 percent. In a statement cited the Ministry of Finance, the U.S. government will mengkonversasi Citi shares worth $ 25 billion common shares dentan so there will be additional ownership shares of 36 percent.Masuknya U.S. government funds are complications for Citigrup own. According to its CEO, Vikram Pandit with this step they will try to rebuild trust after the shares fell to their lowest price in 18 years. Meanwhile, the U.S. government, support and intervention to Citigrup feasible to be done because the bank is destroyed when the system will destroy the world market as well. U.S. itself does not want to rush to enter the money Citigrup years ago after they have been injection of $ 45 milyar.Pihak Citirgrup years ago cut their quarterly earnings of 1 cent per shares, kerugiab they reach the estimated $ 27.7 billion years ago or 48 percent higher from the the report months ago.