Welcomes visitors

Participation in trade shows exhibits (Expo Trade) is the most effective way to acquire an additional number of buyers. Booth at a trade show is the office or show room while you and is an ideal place to conduct trade communications, both with existing customers or to new buyers. Preparation which includes table top displays, brochures, product samples and a beautiful stand design a visitor attraction. Sales promotion of sexy girls in front of the desk stand with a very attractive table covers.

Well prepared to welcome visitors by directors chairs, so that prospective buyers more freedom to obtain information of the products offered. At the trade show, the prospective buyer that you are looking for, invited or not will most likely come to your booth. Surely you must participate in national or international trade show that it matches the theme of your product.


Recently my eyes a little touched ... not because of the soap opera business ... if it does my wife ... why are thrilled, because I saw in some forums, there are friends who are kind enough to spread some of my little writing ..

"Who reads the same memorization going to be defeated, which would be defeated just memorize who understand, who know will still be defeated by that able to take advantage of understanding, and capable of it still going to lose by a willing and sincere to share understanding to others for the common good"

back to topic ...

this old topic, really old in my hangout in his kaskus FHI. I never make the claim of "loss is certain, a new profit possibilities" This sentence was much in use by my good friends and a few readers in some forums seem to "sue" the statement said.

I wrote again LOSS ... it must not have written a sequel .. because if the profit is certainly no events once again sue sue ... ahh ... LOSS IS SURE ... try and compare with a sentence like this .. SURE THAT LOSS ... equally composed of 3 words .. LOSS, WILL and IS ...

I write again ...

and certainly LOSS

My statement about the loss was definitely on when we perform in the forex trading activity is primarily to give warning to my friends on there are his "Loss" .. do not believe it? ... Just try to make a new order .. gak pake have to think ... ... trus liat click on the column profit / loss minus its ... dah ... or put it this way .. it's seldom we really dapet profit within a second ... we often have to wait a few minutes .. hours .. days ... hihihhih ... plus it's new look .. what does it mean? in my eyes it means our chances to find a condition of loss is much greater than the opportunity to make a profit ...

sentence only .. "is definitely loss" ... if this is, why we plunge ourselves and our lives to the forex ... it is better to bank .. eh but the bank can go bankrupt and loss appear as well ... hihhiih ....

loss would have ... so every time we make an entry, we need to measure the 'ability' we face the loss ... how much we are able to feel a loss .. so it is not allowed, so there is the position of the MT4 eh .. its actually off .. so be on the back, the position of balance .. bla...bla.. incredible shrinking MC .. dah ..

Five senses buyer

We certainly agree that all employers of all levels wanting the company continues to grow. Small companies want to develop into medium-sized enterprises, mid-sized companies want to be great and even large companies that already wants to grow again. The problem to be larger firms need more buyers or customers. Participation in trade show displays are the most effective way to acquire an additional number of buyers.

Truss is used used in a retail environment to display & decoration. Booth at a trade show is a show room or office while you and is an ideal place to conduct trade communication, both with existing customers or to new buyers. At trade shows, logo floor mats are attractive to allure the potential buyers you are looking for, invited or without invited will most likely come to your booth. Surely you must participate in national or international trade show which theme fits with your product.

At the trade show potential buyers have the chance to use all their five senses, namely: hearing, seeing, touching, smelling, tasting and then the data obtained will be coordinated and summarized by the brain, so the decision to buy the products you offer can be done with faster. exhibit booths are already a staple for companies that want to grow, because it is through participation in trade shows is likely to get a new buyer is very high.

Yard Signs as a communication tool

Yard Signs ads are one of the most widely used as a media campaign. When I was walking casually, goes to work, bring kids in school, everywhere I go, definitely will see a Yard Signs with a variety of sizes and models. Yard Signs s can beautify the landscape but also can damage the landscape around us. In addition, the Yard Signs is also one of the print media advertisements, announcements, invitations, prohibition, etc., in the form of a type of large Yard Signs s. Yard Signs of this kind can we meet in the streets, alleys, on shop windows and more. Yard Signs of this type usually displays ads about the latest products, new show that is held externally and internally, government activities, and many more functions of this Yard Signs .

The function of the Yard Signs is a communication tool of the marketing process. As communication techniques, Yard Signs can explain a number of descriptions with goals and targets respectively. Without advertising business entity will not be able to bring new products to gain consumer attention that quite a lot. In a short time enterprises spend a very large to create, develop, produce, and distribute.

Promotions in the form of various media just as the Yard Signs have a huge impact effect on consumption patterns and changes in the decision of the consumer. Basically, the function of the Yard Signs is to attract consumer interest in buying the product. Various ways are used to create a Yard Signs made that attract consumers. When you consider there are 2 kinds of ads are ads that bring down each other competing products (competitive) directly and ads that are education (educating consumers).

First thought stage through to business start-up

The business world today is growing very fast and tight business competition increases. When we watch a favorite show on television, various kinds of ads that offer a wide range of products from various companies. You as the audience is always directed to issue money and money.
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The development of business through the internet media are also growing without limit state and territory. On the downside, consumers do not know whether the products offered on the Internet whether in accordance with the promised product details and price relevant? with the Internet, no matter how small your business can grow more rapidly if it has an online store with an extensive business network and professionally managed. Smc scam you've ever read? a big company with many vendors participated in it.

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Key of trader

One day upon arriving home from the streets, Tom find the key to open the door of his house. Of the dozens of keys that he has held no one matching the door of his house. Tom wanted a quick rest, shower, watch television and others. But what you are looking for key resources not found, in disgust he called a locksmith to break down the door of his house.

The illustration above illustrates that with the right key, then Tom will be able to get into his house, could do what he wanted, taking a shower, eat, want to watch television or go to sleep though.
So it is with TRADING. To create success in this trading world, must strive to find "KEY" appropriate.

If you do not find the "Key’s, it is impossible you can be successful. You can only anxious or just guessing the contents, in such trading could "View Live" and became
part of trading itself.

The main key to success in the world of forex trading are:
1. Learn and Understand the trading terms
2. Learn and Understand why prices move
3. Learn and Understand to see patterns
4. Learning and Understanding to use the system
5. Learning and Understanding for the use of capital
6. Learning with the expert ...

The sixth key is the main capital of your success in this trading world .... look .... and see for yourself ... if successful.

Trade show tips

Trade show booths serve as improve the attractiveness of your efforts to target consumers by placing a banner, banner, or x-banner is attractive, and easily captured the information by any person through your place of business. Do not let your customers are unable to get potential candidates just because they can not capture the information needed. Find a company that can provide services banner stands, banners, x-banner, roll banner, large banners with good print quality, fast and competitive prices.
Use posters to announce events, or promoting activities, for the target visitors can read well and complete information. At every trade show, Pipe and Drape a pretty interesting and certainly more preferable visitors. Table skirts with a sales promotion girl beautiful and sexy could be a magnet to attract customers come to stand.

Gold grow up

Gold grow up, tend to rebound from last week on speculation the weakening demand from China, the second biggest consumer, will increase, while Europe's debt crisis sparked investors switch to safer assets.

Fin Roll / finance-Gold rose to 0.3 percent to $ 1,378.20 an ounce and traded at $ 1,375.43 in Asia. This week, gold rose 0.4 percent after weakening 3.6 percent last week.

Gold for delivery in February fell 0.8 percent to $ 1,375.70 an ounce.

It is estimated that since China had a growth spurt, then China will consider the increase in foreign exchange reserves, gold reserves.

Palladium spot corrected at $ 806.80 an ounce, platinum rose 1 percent to $ 1,820 per ounce

Video NO Stop Grid Trading

Trading system is now emerging in the forex forum. Here's the video No Stop Trading Grid